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05/08/2013 by maddyf   

  1. Who is currently the smartest kid in the world?
  2. What is the biggest mammal in the world?
  3. What is the smallest vertebrate in the the world?
  4. Where is the Niall River?
  5.  Who was the first women to fly across the Atlantic?
  6. What is the company that makes Australian UGG boots called?
  7. Who’s voice is ‘Gru’ in ‘Despicable Me’?
  8. Who is the author of the Harry Potter series?

Please comment below with your answers.

1 Comment »

  1. Dougle says:

    Well since nobody else has replied, here are my answers:

    1) maddyf
    2) Whale (I forget which, humpback or blue whale. Do I need to be specific? 🙂 )
    3) Don’t know. 🙁
    4) Don’t know, but I do know the “Nile” river is in Africa. 🙂
    5) Amelia Earhart
    6) UGG!
    7) Don’t know, haven’t seen it? Is it good? Is there a dragon in it?
    8) JK Rowling

    I’m sure I got some wrong, especially the “don’t know” answers. 🙂

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